VEVOR 2Pcs Inflatable Boat Launching Wheel 272 KG Weight Load Capacity Aluminum Frame 32CM Diameter Rubber Tire Ship Moving Tool


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SKU: CHN-3256803047845412 Category:


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Product Description
12" Inflatable Boat Wheels

The dinghy wheels set with 600 lbs capacity comes with aluminum alloy frame wheel arms and 12"/30.5 cm durable rubber wheels. Thus, it makes you tow boats a breeze on different road surfaces, such as grass, hard or soft sand, and dirt. The transom wheels are equipped with 2 pairs of quick released pins that can lock the arms up and down. The boat launch wheels set can be easily disassembled, which is time-saving and labor-saving.

  • Large Load Capacity

  • Durable Aluminum Alloy

  • Quick Release Pins

  • Simple Installation

Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR?
  • Premium Tough Quality

  • Incredibly Low Prices

  • Fast & Secure Delivery

  • 30-Day Free Returns

  • 24/7 Attentive Service

Key Features

  • 600 LBS Weight Capacity

    The max loading capacity of this boat launching wheels is 600 lbs/272 kg, providing exceptional stability and support to the heavy boat, thus avoiding unnecessary arduous work. 

  • 12" Rubber Wheels

    The 12"/30.5 cmrubber boat transom launching wheel makes you propel a boat through various rough surfaces with ease. Max tire pressure of 14 PSI can be given, or the inflatable boat launch wheels over-inflated will cause damage.

  • Solid Aluminum Frame Arms

    The right-angle frame arms of transom launching dolly wheels are built with aluminum alloy after CNC processing. The components with anodized coating provide our product durability and stability. And the wheels will not conflict with the motor.

  • Two Pairs of Spring Lock Pins

    Two pairs of spring lock pins demonstrate the quick operation feature of our transom launching wheels, making frame wheel arms’ length and position adjustable.

  • Easy & Quick Installation 

    To install dinghy transom launching wheels set correctly, you only need to drill 2 holes and fix the upper part of the wheel arm on the transom. Then you can assemble the arm and wheel and  attach the arm set to the transom.

  • Applicable to Multiple Scenarios

    With the remarkable bearing capacity, the inflatable boat transom launching wheel fits most boats with a transom and does well in pulling on different roads, such as grass, hard or soft sand, and dirt.


  • Model: CYXSL12600

  • Tire Diameter: 12.59"/32 cm

  • Max Load Capacity: 600 lbs/272 kg

  • Wheel Arms Material: Aluminum Alloy

  • Tire Material: Rubber

  • Item Weight: 4.5 lbs/2 kg

Package Content

  • 1 x Boat Launching Wheels Set

  • 4 x Quick Release Pins 

Features & Details

  • Large Load Capacity: The boat launching wheels are designed to enable one people launching of an inflatable boat. The weight capacity of the 12"/30.5 cm boat transom launching wheel reaches 600 lbs/272 kg, making the towing boat a breeze on different road surfaces.

  • Durable Aluminum Alloy: Our inflatable boat launch wheels arms are made of durable aluminum alloy with CNC processing, which will hold up even under the most extreme conditions. And the frame arms with anodized coating have features of superior durability and long service life.

  • Quick Release Pins: The transom launching wheels are equipped with 2 pairs of sturdy quick release pins. The accessories play an essential role in right-angle frame arms’ swiveling up and down, making the wheel arms’ length adjustable. 

  • Simple Installation: The dinghy transom launching wheels set is easy to operate, saving much time. You need to follow the steps in the picture, and it can be disassembled effortlessly. In addition, the wheel arms kit is small and space-saving.

  • Extensive Application: The inflatable boat transom launching wheel is widely applicable to most boats with a transom, such as Jon boats, dinghy, inflatable boats, mud boats, rowboats, sailing dinghies, etc. The wheels are suitable for grass, hard or soft sand, and dirt.

Additional information

Ships From

canada, CZECH REPUBLIC, france, GERMANY, Mexico, Poland, Russian Federation, spain, UNITED KINGDOM, United States


Aluminum Alloy


Mainland China

Max Load Capacity

600 lbs/272 kg

Item Weight

4.5 lbs/2 kg

Tire Diameter

12.59"/32 cm


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